i'll be back, but for the moment you can find me
(ps. meet fred, my new best friend. i'm in love)
please feel free to submit a post to my tumblr
i think it's an awesome way to communicate & i would love to see what you guys have to say.
please please do so! :)
Hello! Thanks for da comment on my Man-perve post! I loves funny guys, and I can't believe I forgot the adorable frank woodley!!! D'oh!
Ah...I shall have to join tumblr...I joined flickr a while back, but now I've forgotten my password....O.o there are just so so many social networking sites now!
Hey, I'm not sure if you still check your blog or anything, but I'm the girl that went all fangirl about Melina Marchetta on your old blog, haha. Anyway, I got an email from Dymocks today, saying she's going around Australia speaking about her books and stuff! It's part of the Books Alive thing. I just thought I should tell you, sorry if you already knew.
hi cathryn! i remember you :) thank you so much, i had no idea- that is so exciting!
again, thank you :)
do you blog/tumbl/twitter or anything? xx
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