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(EPIC coat. ignore the douche)

(again, ignore the douche.)

(SUCH a me-face, omg)

how can she make even ugg boots look cute??
um, i couldn't whittle it down to a small enough number of photos for one post, so expect a few more to come. i adore mandy moore. she is gorgeous, elegant, stylish, talented, down-to-earth, completely sincere & adorable, & just an all-round lovely girl. i kind of want her for my best friend ;)
I *love* Mandy Moore. And that IS such a you face! P.S. I totally make uggs look cute, bring on winter & I'll prove it!
I'm pretty sure we bonded over our Mandy love right after we bonded over our Ryan love. And now they have Mandy!Ryan love! I'm SO EXCITED!
sex. that is all.
Aw, Zac Braff's not a douche! Well, comparitively, anyways...
When she does become your best friend... could I share her? Just for a little while.
You couldn't have captured her better. She's stunning.
you're cute! mandy's cute! i'm in like a fit of cute right now...
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