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leonard cohen concert @ sandalford winery, 07/02/09
the lovely jacinta tagged me with this adorable little award

1) i don't have a middle name.
2) i only drink out of mugs, never teacups.
2b) whenever i get a coffee at a coffeeshop i always get it in a take-away cup, whether i am "dining in" or not. tastes much better :)
3) instead of dealing with my problems, i ignore them & hope they'll go away... & eventually everything blows up in my face.
4) i'm finally changing things about myself & my life that make me unhappy.
5) i've only known my best friends for 2 months but i know we're going to be friends forever.
5b) & these 2 months have been some of the best times of my life.
6) the thought of getting pregnant grosses me out SO MUCH. i can't even describe it (or it would take up about 3 pages...).
7) i can never have enough sleep. i sleep for 12 hours & 3 hours later i'm ready for bed again.
7b) nothing is better than sleep. not even sex. truly.
8) i have a thing for hipbones.
8b) so of course i LOVE this photo from gala's 365.

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9) i have a crush for the first time in forever & it's lovely.
10) this was nowhere near as hard as i expected it to be.
a beautiful dream
another girl, another blog
click your heels
gin in a teacup
girl with the big brown eyes
the holly and the ivy
lavender and yolk
lick my cupcakes
messy maisies
(i would've tagged the creamy middles, but R's been tagged about 3 times already)
tag-ees, do the same & pass it on ♥
Tag received!
I like that photo of the lanterns so much, Amanda!
thank you so much miss! i was pretty stoked with how it turned out.. i took another one when it got darker but it didn't look as good, surprisingly.
my hipbones, for your viewing pleasure: http://www.flickr.com/photos/12213150@N07/3249432495/
hee! i had forgotten about that photo. spank you :)
Yay for tagginess! I will do this as soon as I find time. I hope your talking about us and not some other friends you've known for 2 months..*shakes fist at potential other best friends* I feel exactly the same <3
Thanks for the tag lovely.
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