i could go on about leisha hailey forever.
she is amazing.
gorgeous, LESBIAN (woo!) & out, musician, actor, & just all-round completely talented & hilarious.
expect another post (or two..) on her sometime soon.
for now, check out her current band (she's had a few), uh huh her, on youtube & myspace.
they're incredible.
a couple (okay, 3) of my favourites: explode & not a love song & mystery lights.
oh yes, this forever21 version is perfect :D
thankssss :*
i LOVE your new header! so so perfect, and omggggggg i adore leisha <3 she's my favorite on the L word, and i'm also a fan of Uh Huh Her!!! so glad you put this up *drools*
My girlfriend and I met her at "The Dinah" saturday afternoon... she and Cam (and their manager) were super nice to us both, when the organizers told us we would be able to meet them we thought it would be a two minute greeting and maybe a picture. Instead we got to sit down and talk like 15 minutes. Had a glass of wine, cheese, pictures, and they both hugged us before leaving :)
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