one of my favourite favourite movies ever.
i still remember seeing begnini win his oscar, leaping all over the chairs.
this movie is so beautiful & so heartbreaking at the same time.
i always cry at the end.
(& sometimes throughout)
if you haven't seen it, get your hands on a copy NOW you heathen.
more info here.
most gorgeous scene in a movie ever.
(i may or may not have teared up just watching it to post.)
buongiorno principessa!
stanotte t'ho sognato tutta la notte, andavamo al cinema, e avevi quel tailleur rosa che ti piace tanto, non penso che a te, principessa, penso sempre a te!

this is true love.
I haven't seen it *shame spiral*. Always meant to, but have never gotten around to it. I have sadly neglected the classics.
Gorgeous! I can understand some, not all, but you don't need to understand the language to 'get' what he's saying =)
Honestly, this is the best movie ever made. It is so heartbreaking and beautiful.
i wanna see it now!
wow that last image is so filled with emotion and love. beautiful. thanks for sharing!
I'll have to check it out.
Definitely the best movie ever made on the subject. It never fails to make me cry, but it never fails to feel me with hope also. Good pick!
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